Sunday, January 11, 2009

On the Subject of Style

My comment on the discussion of style by "Ancient Artist: Developing an art career after 50":

This subject has come up with me often, as well. I have been told by "those who know" that I have a personal style and that this is essential to become a collected artist. I don't see it, but I'm real happy others do if that's what it takes to be considered an ARTIST. I just paint. It's that simple. I can't find any cohesion with my watercolors and my oils, but I love both mediums. My pen and inks are nothing like my oils and watercolors, but they are still MY WORK. So, I would say that those "Who make the rules" have done most artist's a disservice. Being an artist lends itself to being free and unconventional. So telling us that we need to find our signature is like telling an ant not to build an underground den. I say just keep doing what feels good and there will always be someone out there who wants to share your den.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You may not see it with the difference in the mediums of oil and watercolor in your own work, but I see a recognizable "style" in your work.
Just as one can recognize an individual's handwriting no matter what words are written, the way you see your world and experiences comes through. You have a beautiful expressive style and it tells the world how it is seen through your eyes. Entergetic, exciting, moving, colorful, sensitve, expressive.
You've got style girl! Flaunt it!